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Academic Resources for Students

Our Student Academic Resources are provided directly through the student records office which is upstairs in the main building, on the second floor in the administrative hallway. Our Student Records staff works tirelessly for you to ensure that you are successfully progressing through the program and meeting satisfactory academic progress (SAP).


Meet your Academic Resources & Student Records Team:



Kari Stuader
Student Services Assistant


Bianca Boyce

Atlanta School of Massage’s Policies

Academic Policies
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress | Probation (SAP Probation)
    This is a disciplinary action that addresses students who fail to meet Satisfactory Progress. Student performance is monitored for a specified time while allowing the student to attend classes. The student will be notified in writing or via electronic mail regarding the terms of probation. At the end of the probationary period, a Student Records staff member will review the student’s progress to determine if they have complied with the criteria of probation. If the criteria has been met, the student will be removed from probation status. Only one SAP probationary period will be allowed during the program. Students receiving Federal Aid will lose their eligibility when on SAP probation. If the terms for satisfactory progress are not met by the end of the probationary period the student will be suspended immediately and may be involuntarily withdrawn.
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress | Suspension (SAP Suspension)
    This is a disciplinary process that addresses students who have already been placed on academic probation for a prior course in the program as well as students who do not meet the terms of their probation. Under suspension, a student is not allowed to attend regularly scheduled classes and will be responsible for make-up assignments and fees that may be associated, if allowed. Students will be informed in writing of the suspension. The length of suspension will vary depending on the circumstances and criteria to re-enter, but will be no longer than 14 calendar days. During the suspension period, the VP of Administration and Program Director will meet to discuss the student’s re-entry criteria or move forward with the involuntary withdrawal of the student. The Program Director and/or the VP of Administration will meet with the student to outline the criteria necessary to re-enter or notify them of the withdrawal decision.
  • Academic Plan Policy
    The Academic plan addresses students who fail to meet Satisfactory Progress due to reasons that are uncontrollable to the student, i.e., medical or financial hardships or other mitigating circumstances. Students will receive a plan that outlines how to return to Satisfactory Academic Progress status. The Academic Plan will allow an extension for a student to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress without facing probation or suspension.
Make-Up Policies
  • Class Make-Up Policy
    Students are required to make up all absent hours by the end of the course, there are no excused absences. This may be done by either attending the class with another group or completing a written or practical assignment, which can be downloaded from the Student Portal. Students who have not met this requirement by the last day of the course will be placed on academic (SAP) probation. If make-up assignments for all classes/clinics missed are not submitted during the probationary period the student will not progress and will be suspended and may be withdrawn from the program. Students who have outstanding hours in their last course/module will have 30 days from their completion date to complete all program hours and may be required to repeat the course due to excessive absences if deemed necessary by the Program Director. Students who miss a clinic or practical class in the last week of a course will not be placed on probation if the hours are made up within 5 days.
  • Clinic Make-Up Policy
    All clinic absences must be scheduled and made up by the end of the course to earn hours and grades per our Satisfactory Academic Progress policy. An absence without prior notification is a “No Call No Show,” or NCNS. No Call No Shows must be made up and will be awarded a grade of “Zero” for the shift. Failure to attend a make-up clinic shift will also result in a grade of “Zero” for that shift but must still be made up and rescheduled to earn required hours. Rescheduling of a make-up clinic shift must be made with the Program Director.
    To receive a grade for a No Call No Show or a make-up clinic that was missed, which must be made up, you must provide documentation of mitigating circumstances, i.e. doctor’s note, court notice, etc. to the Program Director within one week of the scheduled clinic shift (please note: work or child care related documentation will not be accepted). The waiver of the 0 grade will not be granted to all. It is the responsibility of the student to schedule all clinic make-ups during the posted hours, within one week of the originally scheduled test date.
    Documentation for this waiver will need to be given to the Program Director before the clinic make-up is scheduled to receive a grade. In all cases the student should make a copy or take a picture of the documentation and email it to the Program Director immediately after the absence occurs.
    Please refer to your student Clinic and Student Handbook for further details and specific requirements for make-up work/testing and clinics.
  • Test Make-Up Policy
    If a student is absent for a test there will be an automatic 10 percentage point deduction from the student’s grade when the make-up test is taken. An automatic 10 percentage point deduction will apply to any failed makeup test retake. Any missed tests, written or practical, must be completed within one week of the originally scheduled test date. Students who do not take the test within the allotted time will receive a failing grade of “zero”. Students may request to the Program Directors to waive the point deduction if there were mitigating circumstances for the absence. The request must be filed within 7 days of the original test date, and the student will be asked to provide documentation to support their request. The waiver will not be granted to all. It is the responsibility of the student to schedule to take missed practical exams, during the posted testing hours, within one week of the originally scheduled test date. This includes practicals that will need to be tutored or proctored by an instructor.
    Students may retake any failed test once per course within one week of having failed the test. Failed tests not retaken during the allotted time will be assigned the original grade earned on the test. When a failed test is retaken within the allotted time, the higher of the grades will be awarded as the new test score. Students who fail more than one exam may be required to attend mandatory tutoring. Failure to attend the tutoring can be cause for disciplinary action including withdrawal.
School Policies
  • Repeat Policy
    All courses which a student fails must be repeated and completed with a passing grade before the student will be eligible for graduation. When repeating a course all repeat classes must be attended. Students who choose not to attend classes when repeating a course will face conduct probation or immediate suspension. Students will be required to pay a fee for repeating a course. Students may repeat no more than 2 courses, in order to complete the program within the maximum time frame of 1.5 times the program length. An individual course may not be repeated more than once. Students who wish to voluntarily repeat a course when the student has attended less than 50% of the scheduled hours in the course may be permitted by the Program Director, subject to seat availability. Students may be required to repeat any course if deemed necessary by the Program Director, due to excessive absences in that course. In those cases, the repeat fee may be applied. Repeat fee may be waived at the school’s discretion for students who have not been placed on probation for that course.
  • Transfer Policy
    Students who need to transfer from one schedule to another (for example transferring from a full-time day program to a part-time weekend program) must notify the Program Director and Registrar. Students must develop a new financial plan with the Financial Aid Officer prior to the transfer. The student must sign a transfer addendum to the Enrollment Agreement. Students requesting to transfer from a full-time to part-time program may be required to take an administrative leave of absence if the course required for the student to start where they left off is not scheduled. Transferring from one session or cohort to another may result in change in federal student aid eligibility and may change the student’s expected completion date. A student will not be allowed to transfer from one schedule to another more than once unless there are extreme circumstances.
    Students who enroll and start in one certificate program and choose to transfer to another will be required to officially withdraw from their original program, complete a new application and interview, and also pay the $150.00 transfer fee. Once all the above is completed and the fee has been paid to accounting a file review will be completed by the original Program Director and Registrar before being submitted to admissions for program transfer. Students will need to allow 30 business days to complete the withdrawal process before meeting with the Finance Department to complete a new Enrollment Agreement. In some cases, students, will not be eligible for the next program start date and will need to wait for the next available class. The school reserves the right to deny all program transfers if the school determines the student will not be able to satisfy the requirements.
  • Maximum Program Completion Time
    Students are expected to complete their program within the defined program completion time, which cannot exceed 1.5 times the length it would take a student to complete the total program hours according to the enrollment agreement. The maximum time frame shall not exceed 1.5 times the normal duration of the program. Students who do not report to the school within 45 days of their scheduled end date to complete all make-up assignments, scheduled hours and graduation requirements will be involuntarily withdrawn from the school and the withdrawal policy will be applied.
  • Leave of Absence
    A student may be granted a Leave Of Absence from a program for unavoidable circumstances, including but not limited to; medical, hardship, jury duty, military leave, and personal/family leave. A Leave Of Absence will be considered an approved Leave Of Absence if the school determines that there is reasonable expectation that the student will return. The student must request the leave, stating the reason to a school official via an online Request for Leave Application, to be considered and approved by the VP of Administration (except for Medical LOA). The application can be found on the Student Portal. If unforeseen circumstances prevent a student from requesting the LOA, the student may submit the LOA request within (14) days of their last day of attendance. Documentation from a medical facility may be accepted. Students requesting a LOA are required to continue attending class until approval. If a student ceases attendance prior to the LOA approval they may be subject to being involuntarily withdrawn. If the student is a Title IV recipient they must meet with Financial Aid prior to being granted a LOA (except for Medical LOA). The approval and length of a Leave Of Absence will be determined individually and based on specific circumstances. However, in no case will an individual Leave Of Absence be granted for a period longer than 180 calendar days. More than one Leave Of Absence within a program may result in a student being required to withdraw. The LOA will not involve additional charges to the student. The total period of all LOA’s will not be considered as time elapsing for Maximum Program Completion Time purposes.
    Students must meet with Financial Aid once an LOA has been approved.
  • Return Following a Leave of Absence
    The student must meet with the Student Services and Financial Aid representatives prior to returning to class. The student may be required to repeat some of or the entire course from which they elected to take the LOA if they did not receive a final grade prior to the leave. However, if the school recognizes that it will be unable to assure that a student can re-enter at the time the LOA began, the student may have to wait for the appropriate course to be offered and the LOA may be extended until the course is scheduled. In that case the student would be placed on an administrative leave of absence extension.
  • Failure to Return From a Leave of Absence
    A student who fails to return from a LOA, without communication, on the date indicated on the LOA approval form will be withdrawn from the program on the following scheduled school day and the school will invoke the Cancellation/Refund Policy.
  • Voluntary and Involuntary Withdrawal
    Students may voluntarily withdraw from the school at any time with official notice. A voluntary withdrawal date is defined as: The date on which the school official receives notice from the student that they are withdrawing. Students who are absent for 14 consecutive calendar days without contact with a school representative will be involuntarily withdrawn. Students may be involuntarily withdrawn for any behavior that disrupts the learning environment or creates
    an unsafe environment, continuation of behavior that led to probation or suspension, or failure to pay tuition.
  • Re-Enrollment Policy
    Students who have been withdrawn must pay a re-enrollment fee (students withdrawn due to an extended Medical Leave of Absence will not be required to pay the fee) and submit a letter of re-enrollment request prior to a file review, which will determine re-enrollment eligibility. The letter of re-enrollment request must include why you withdrew or were withdrawn from the program, what changes have occurred since your withdrawal, what are your goals to complete the program successfully and what makes this the right time for you to be enrolled in school.
    The file review will be completed within 14 business days of the re-enrollment request. If eligible for re-enrollment, students will be required to sign a new enrollment agreement(note the start date will be determined by the school). Tuition rates and fees will be applied based on the student’s withdrawal paperwork. Additionally, re-enrolling students will be required to repeat any course not completed. Tuition charges will be applied as outlined on the enrollment agreement. Students withdrawn for 180 days or more may be required to start at the beginning of the program and may be charged full tuition and fees upon a file review. Students who are denied re-enrollment will not receive a refund of the re-enrollment fee.


Student Conduct Policies
  • Student Conduct
    A certificate of completion from Atlanta School of reflects a student’s ability to competently provide services to the public and to represent the profession in an exemplary manner. Therefore, the directors reserve the right to evaluate and make recommendations to aid the student in achieving an appropriate professional appearance and manner. Students are expected to conduct themselves with staff, fellow students, instructors, and the public in a manner befitting a professional practitioner. If teachers, administrators, staff, or fellow students express concern about a student’s professional or interpersonal skills, the student will be asked to meet with the VP of Administration or Program Director and may face possible probation, suspension, or dismissal. It is the discretion of the individual instructor to determine if there is unprofessional conduct/behavior in the classroom or clinic. Each instructor reserves the right to send a student home from class or clinic.
  • Conduct Probation is a disciplinary action that addresses school conduct violations. The student will meet with the Program Director or the VP of Administration to discuss the terms of the probation. The student will be notified in writing via a probation letter regarding the guidelines of the probation. The conduct probation letter will be signed by the student as an acknowledgement of the probation. Students who refuse to sign the probation letter will still be placed on conduct probation and the terms will apply. In those cases the letter will be signed by another witness.Student conduct is monitored by the Program Director for a specified time period while allowing the student to attend classes under specific probation terms. The length of probation will vary depending on the circumstances. Once the probationary period has been met the student will be automatically released from probation status, and all departments will be notified by the Program Director. If at any time during the probationary period the student is not compliant with the student conduct policies or terms of the probation, the student will be suspended immediately and may be involuntarily withdrawn.
  • Conduct Suspension is a disciplinary process that addresses serious rule violations and gross misconduct. Students will be informed in writing of suspension and terms of suspension. The length of suspension will vary depending on the circumstances but will not exceed 14 days. The student will be informed on or before the suspension end date of the criteria necessary to re- enter, or the decision of involuntary withdrawal. The criteria to re -enter or withdrawal of the student will be decided by the VP of Administration, Program Director, and Registrar and in some cases other staff members if needed. Under suspension, a student is not allowed to attend regularly scheduled classes. If the student is allowed to resume in the course after suspension, the student will be responsible for all make-up assignments and fees that may be associated. In most cases students who can return from suspension will be placed on administrative leave of absence for the remainder of the course to repeat. This will be determined by the Program Director, VP of Administration and Registrar. If the criteria for re-entry have not been met, or if the behavior that led to suspension resumes, the school will begin the withdrawal process immediately.
  • Financial Suspension is a disciplinary process that addresses students who fail to pay tuition on time (past due two consecutive months) or meet the terms of their payment plan. Students will be informed of the suspension by the financial department after past-due notices have been issued to notify the student of the required payments to keep the account current. A financial staff member will meet with the student to notify them of the suspension and outline the criteria necessary to re-enter. If the account is not in good standings, or arrangements have not been made to rectify the account, the student will be involuntarily withdrawn after 14 days of financial suspension or earlier if notified by the student that they cannot meet the terms of the suspension.
    During suspension, a student is not allowed to attend classes and will be responsible for all make-up assignments that may be associated, if allowed. The length of suspension will vary depending on the circumstances but will be no longer than 14 business days. Once released from financial suspension, students may be placed on administrative leave of absence for the remainder of the course and repeat the course if the student misses more than 4 consecutive scheduled class days during suspension, which will be determined by the Program Director, VP of Administration or Registrar.
  • Drug-Free School/Workplace
    The use or consumption of illegal drugs or alcohol on school premises, or attending class under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol is prohibited. If you are thought to be under the influence at any point the school reserves the right to send any student to perform drug testing or to send the student home. Atlanta School of Massage will impose disciplinary sanctions upon students who do not abide by the terms of this policy. Each instance will be treated on an individual
    basis depending on the circumstances.
    Continuation as a student will depend on factors which include, but are not limited to: the severity of the offense, completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program, frequency of the violation, arrest records and convictions. Complaints filed against students or staff who are not abiding by the school’s policy will be held in the strictest confidence and this policy specifically prohibits retaliation against the person who files a complaint.
    A student conviction for any state or federal law regarding possession or sale of illegal drugs during a period for which the student receives Title IV Federal Student Aid funds will result in the student losing eligibility for any Title IV grant or loan.
  • Disciplinary Actions
    Causes for Probation or Suspension include, but are not limited to:
    • Failure to follow school policies
    • Failure to pay tuition (past due two consecutive months)
    • Disrupting class
    • Unprofessional conduct, including excessive tardiness, absences, “No Call No Shows” for clinic internship, unpreparedness, or any behavior deemed unprofessional
    • Unsatisfactory disposition or attitude towards a fellow student, client, or staff member
    • Refusal to provide or exchange services
    • Violation of dress code
    • Unsatisfactory participation in class or clinic activities
    • Gross misconduct
    • Inappropriate behavior, foul language towards staff, peer or client
    • Breach of privacy or confidentiality
    • Misuse of Social Media-bullying, posting images w/out consent,defaming school,staff or peer character
    • Receiving compensation for treatments performed on or off premises.
  • Expulsion is the involuntary withdrawal of a student from any of our programs for serious violation of rules. The student may not apply to re-enter. The expulsion of a student will be determined by a committee consisting of the VP of Administration, Program Director, Registrar, and unbiased school staff member(s). Other individuals involved in the matter may also be present at this review including the school President. The student will be suspended during the period of determination. The student will be notified of the date and time of the committee meeting. The student is encouraged to attend the meeting. The school maintains the right to expel a student whether they choose to be represented at the
    committee meeting. The student will be notified of the final determination in writing if the student is not present for the meeting. If inappropriate behavior is exhibited during the period of suspension the school maintains the right to conduct the committee meeting without the presence of the student.
  • Causes for Expulsion include, but are not limited to:
    • Sexual misconduct
    • Continuation of behavior leading to a suspension
    • Plagiarism or cheating
    • Alteration of student school records
    • Physical and/or verbal abuse of a fellow student, client, or staff member
    • Attending classes or any school-sponsored activity under the influence of alcohol or drugs
    • Weapons possession
    The above behaviors may result in immediate expulsion without the required committee meeting.
  • Disciplinary Appeals Process
    A student withdrawn for academic or conduct reasons (except expulsion) may submit a written appeal of his/her dismissal to be considered for re-enrollment. The appeal should be addressed to the Registrar. The appeal must be accompanied by documentation of mitigating circumstances, all information relevant to the event or situation that resulted in the dismissal, as well as how the circumstances have been resolved and all outstanding assignments. The appeal documentation will be examined by a committee consisting of the Program Director and unbiased school staff members. Other individuals involved in this matter may also be present at this review. The student will be mailed the committee’s written decision within 14 business days of the committee hearing. The decision of the committee is final.
  • Dress Code
    For your first day, arrive in dress code and you will receive your uniform during the first class. The dress code is specific to each program and is in effect at all times. Any student who is out of compliance with the dress code will be dismissed from class or clinic and will be marked absent for the day.
    Massage Program: Students enrolled in the Massage Program are required to wear ASM polo or scrub shirts in clinic always, with no exceptions. School t-shirts may be worn during class time. Additional scrubs, polos and t-shirts may be purchased in the SensAbilitysm clinic. Only ASM scrub bottoms are permitted.
    Esthetics Program: Students enrolled in the Esthetics Program are required to wear AIA scrub tops with a tank top or shirt of a solid color underneath and scrub bottoms during clinic and practical sessions per Georgia Board of Cosmetology rules and regulations. School t-shirts may be worn during lecture class time. Additional AIA scrubs, lab jackets, and t-shirts may be purchased in the SensAbilitysm clinic.
    Personal Trainer Program: Students enrolled in the Personal Trainer Program are required to wear APTP polo shirts in clinic at all times with no exceptions. Blue APTP t-shirts are permitted during class and practical time only. Athletic pants, leggings and gym shorts are permitted provided they are of adequate length and provide a professional appearance.
    Shoes should be clean and in good condition.
    • Shoes must have closed toes, closed heels, and cover the instep.
    • Socks must be worn at all times.
    • Jewelry should be kept to a minimum; a watch and earrings are acceptable. (Earrings no longer than the ear lobe.)
    • No rings shall be permitted due to your personal safety, sanitation concerns and the potential damage to a client’s or classmate’s skin.
    • This school is a tobacco free non-smoking campus. Electronic cigarettes or vapor pens are not allowed on campus. A student will be dismissed from class or clinic due to any offensive odor, including cigarette odor, and will be required to make up the time.
    Not Permitted
    • Chewing Gum
     Lash extensions are not permitted in the Esthetics program
    • Acrylic and gel nails are not permitted in the Esthetics or Massage programs
    • Pants that expose the gluteal area
    • Hats of any kind
     Facial or body piercings –We suggest utilizing clear piercing retainers/spacers in place to help hide your piercing when required.
    High heels, boots, and shoes with individual toe compartments.
    • Any clothing or personal items that promote drugs and/or inappropriate content.
    Personal Care
     In accordance with industry practice, fingernails must be kept natural, unpolished, and short not extending beyond the fingertips.
    • Hair should be clean, neat and/or pulled back at all times to keep hair out of the face in order to exercise hygienic safeguards. Hair clips or headbands may need to be worn to secure hair completely.
    • The strictest body and oral hygiene must be observed. Frequent bathing, the use of deodorants/antiperspirants, and regular oral hygiene (brushing teeth, mouthwash, breath mints) is fundamental.
    • No body odors permitted such as perfume, cologne, scented body sprays or lotions, smell of smoke, or other potentially offensive odors.
    For Esthetics Students: Because you will receive all treatments you learn to perform in the program; waxing, chemical exfoliations, sunbeds, hair removal services, and acid peels should be discontinued at least one week prior to class.
    Male Esthetics students will need to shave facial hair prior to class.
School Policy Statements
Policy & Program Changes
The school catalog is current as of the time of printing. We reserve the right to make changes in organizational structure, policy and procedures, and graduation requirements as circumstances dictate.
The school reserves the right to alter class schedules, change the sequence of instruction, and class hours. When size and curriculum permit, classes may be combined to provide instruction and training. In no event will any such changes diminish the competency or content of any program or result in additional charges to the student.
The school shall have the right at its sole discretion to postpone or cancel classes due to strikes or insufficient enrollment. If this occurs, the student may request a full refund of all monies paid, or apply all monies paid to the next scheduled class start date.
The school agrees to provide the student with instruction in massage therapy, and in personal training, which have been approved by the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission.
The school agrees to provide the student with instruction in esthetics, which has been approved by the Georgia State Board of Cosmetology.
At the conclusion of the program, the student will be awarded a certificate and transcript provided he/she meets the graduation requirements and has paid all fees due the school.
The student may avail him/herself of the school’s “Career Opportunities” website postings after graduation unless he/she has outstanding financial obligations to the school or is in default on a federal student loan received for attendance at this school. The school does not guarantee employment.
The school reserves the right to satisfy any outstanding and/or delinquent debt(s) owed to it by a student, including referral to a collection agency. Additional collection fees may apply.
The school reserves the right to amend its catalog and will promptly provide the students with notice of any change in provisions.
The school reserves the right to adjust tuition rates and other fees prior to the completion of the program. If any adjustments are made, the student will be notified 30 days in advance of the course for which the change will apply.
The school reserves the right to close or cancel classes during weather or building emergencies. Under these conditions, students will not be considered absent. Instructors will cover any missed material to ensure completion of the entire program. In some cases, this may require the completion date to be extended and an Enrollment Agreement amendment.
The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal property. All personal items and valuables brought to
school are done so at the students’ own risk.

  • Student Health and Safety
    It is the goal of Atlanta School of Massage to ensure the health and safety of all students, staff, and clients. To enforce this policy; the following guidelines for responsible behavior shall apply. Failure to abide by these requirements by applicants, students, or staff may be grounds for dismissal.
    If you have an infectious disease, you are required to include this information on the health questionnaire provided with the Admissions packet and notify the Program Director, for purposes of assessing personal risks and special precautions applicable to your health and ability to participate in the school environment. Applicants are also required to disclose any chronic or acute neurological or behavioral condition or illness that may impact their academic performance. Anyone experiencing abnormal secretion or excretion of bodily fluids shall not participate in classes, give or receive a massage or treatment in the
    SensAbilitysm clinic, at school, or at home until the condition resolves. Anyone presenting symptoms of a communicable disease may be asked to leave at the discretion of the instructor or other school officials, until the condition is resolved.
    If at any point during the program the director, faculty, or administration feels that the student is at risk or risking the health and safety of others due to health issues, the student may be directed to disclose the illness with faculty or classmates, seek outside assistance, or take a Leave of Absence until the issues can be resolved.
  • Sexual Harassment Policy
    It is the policy of Atlanta School of Massage that all students should be able to enjoy an environment free from all forms of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment may include, but is not necessarily limited to:
    1. Unwelcome, unsolicited sexual advances.
    2. Sexually suggestive conduct, verbal or physical.
    3. Basing student grading, passing, or favors on acceptance or rejection of sexual advances.
    4. Creating a learning/working environment that is intimidating, hostile, or offensive.
    The following procedures should be followed if you believe you may have been sexually harassed:
    Report to your Program Director immediately if an incident occurs in class or Clinic. If the Program Director is the person at whom the complaint is directed, report immediately to their direct supervisor, Vice President of Administration or the school President.
    Atlanta School of Massage management will conduct a prompt, thorough, confidential investigation of the allegations consisting of statements from all parties involved and witnesses.
    After investigations are complete, if it is determined whether a violation occurred, remedial action will be taken in accordance with school and student conduct policies. Complaints filed will be held in the strictest confidence and this policy specifically prohibits retaliation against a student who files a complaint.
  • Student Complaint and Grievance Procedure
    Any student complaint regarding any aspect of any program must be submitted in written form via a Student Complaint/Concern form located on the school’s website. The form will be automatically sent to Student Resources, and the VP of Administration. The VP of Administration will review the complaint and involve all appropriate staff members for further details or to handle directly.
    Students will be contacted within 5 business days after the complaint has been received if further information is needed. If no further information is needed the complaint will be handled with parties named. The school will not discuss disciplinary actions regarding other students or staff with the complainant. In some cases mediation between all parties is required in order to resolve the student concern. If the issue is not resolved in this manner or continues, the student may request a meeting with the Student Resources Coordinator, Program Director or VP of Administration.
    If a student does not feel that the school has adequately addressed a complaint or concern, the student may consider contacting the Accrediting Commission, the Georgia State Board of Cosmetology, or the NPEC. All complaints reviewed by the Commission must be in written form and should grant permission for the Commission to forward a copy of the complaint to the school for a response. This can be accomplished by filing the ACCSC Complaint Form. The complainant(s) will be kept informed as to the status of the complaint as well as the final resolution by the Commission.
    A copy of the ACCSC Complaint Form is available at the school and may be obtained via the Student Portal, by contacting Student Resources, or online at A copy of the school’s complaint form is available outside the Student Records office and may be obtained by contacting your Program Director.
    Please direct all inquiries to:
    Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges
    2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 302
    Arlington, Virginia 22201 (703) 247-4212
    Georgia State Board of Cosmetology
    237 Coliseum Drive
    Macon, Georgia 31217-3858
    Phone:(478) 207-1300
    NPEC inquiries should be directed to:
    Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission
    2082 East Exchange Place Suite 220
    Tucker, Georgia 30084
    Phone:(770) 414-3300


2017 ASM Catalog

Student Academic Resources





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    Day Program: May 28, 2024 Weeknight Program: June 3, 2024
    Day Program: May 28, 2024
    Weeknight Program: June 3, 2024
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