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Massage therapy is often viewed as an important health benefit in addition to proper diet, exercise, and medical treatment. Massage therapy treatments have been on the rise with many seeking treatments ranging from muscle aches, stress-related tension, low back and neck pain, etc.

The value of therapists has increased by leaps and bounds over the years with a projected 22% increase by 2028! That brings more evidence that the interest and VALUE is here to stay when we can increase our service offerings. This offers a ray of hope in these troubled days with the virus. 

Here are three ways to stay current and connected during the summer months and beyond during the COVID virus!

  1. Sign up for Continuing Education classes. In order to stay current, a massage therapist must invest time and energy to learn advanced skills and techniques for their practice.  This shows pride in your work and can set you apart from others in the field.  New classes are more common including Thai massage, Reflexology, Sports Massage, etc.
  2. Join social media chat groups in your area, state, and nationwide. Therapists are typically kind and generous in spirit. With this reasoning, many therapists are online and active sharing thoughts and ideas now more than ever with the COVID virus. We must remain flexible with our business plans and adjust and adapt to the new guidelines when treating clients. How are you navigating these uncertain times? What is your plan to move forward for the remainder of 2020?
  3. Increase your presence online and in your marketplace. This summer is an excellent time to take a broad view of your business with new ideas to bring clients back.  When was the last time you updated your website and social media platforms? Have you been in touch with your clients during these stressful times? Being in touch provides comfort and assurance for the clients that have supported us through it all. One idea would be to offer health tips that can be done at home as many are working virtually this summer. 

The field of massage therapy continues to evolve for many now that the COVID virus is here and present in our daily lives. It does allow for therapists to continue educating clients on the value of the services we offer through new techniques, health tips, and more contact points with social media.

Use the “downtime” to bring results when the time is right for ALL to return to our business!

Best to you during these summer months.  Stay strong and healthy!

MassageKneadsWritten by Janet Constantino, the Founder and CEO of Corporate Massage Kneads.

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Day Program: September 16, 2024 Weeknight Program: September 9, 2024
Day Program: September 16, 2024
Weeknight Program: September 9, 2024
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